Baptist Press released a story last week about the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention considering setting aside one million dollars for church planting and revitalization efforts. What makes this newsworthy is that the vision behind the money is based on the use of the wisdom and experience of returning International […]
Here is one of the best articles I have read on Syrian refugees and the United States. Check out the map where the refugees were placed between 2012-2015. More are expected to follow. Is your church located in any of these cities? Not located in one of these cities? What […]
Where Syrian Refugees are Settling in the US
Someone asked me about the recent origin of the Syrian crisis. I mumbled a few words, nothing sufficient to answer the question. We are quick to forget. We watch the news this morning and by noon forget what we saw. Here is one reporter’s timeline on how the crisis started […]
Timeline on Syrian Crisis
The twentieth century has been called the Age of the Refugee. And today, we continue to hear of the flight of the peoples of the world. At the time of this recording, the refugee crisis continues to grow in Europe. The United States is planning to increase her cap on […]
Stephan Bauman with World Relief
The Canadian government has an excellent grasp on the country’s demographics. Today, Statistics Canada released the latest estimates on age and sex (HT: Mel Cruikshank). If you are concerned about North American missions, then you need to be a regular visitor to the Statistics Canada website. Here are some of […]
New Numbers on Canada
Pew Research released an extensive report today on US immigration. The foreign-born percentage is near a record high. There are many important findings in this study. If you do not have time to read everything at once, then look over the chapters that immediately appeal to you and come back […]