I have been thinking about the relationship between eschatology, history, and unreached people groups. And I want to share a thought with you–one that I’m not hearing elsewhere (However, I’m sure someone out there has been thinking this as well.). We know that representatives of all peoples will be around […]
Dr. Travis Kerns is one of the leading evangelical scholars in the area of Mormon history and theology. He is also a missionary with the North American Mission Board and serves in Salt Lake City. The state of Utah is the least-reached state in the United States, comprised of a […]
Travis Kerns and Mormonism Today
The conversation from two weeks ago was about the United States admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016. The annual cap on the number of refugees accepted into this country is 70,000. The conversation today is that the U. S. will receive 85,000 refugees in 2016 and 100,000 refugees in 2017. […]
100,000 Refugees to US in 2017
In August, I wrote a post about the rise of poverty in U. S. suburbs. We now live during a time with more people living in poverty in the suburban contexts than the urban contexts. The suburbs were not designed for this standard of living. In fact, they were designed […]
Shift in the Geography of US Poverty
We think persecution and suffering for our witness are strange happenings. The New Testament is clear that such should not surprise us. 1 Peter 4:12-19 Our Lord does have a history of sending us to the wolves where religious leaders, political leaders, and even family members come against us and […]
Normalcy of Persecution
A Brookings’ article released last year drew attention to the new reality that, in the U. S., poverty is more prevalent in the suburbs than in the urban areas. Fifty-six percent of those living in poverty in major metro areas are living in the suburbs. Between 2000-2013, the suburban poor […]