I am pleased to share my next book, Understanding Evangelism: Biblical Foundations, Historical Developments, Contemporary Applications, is now available for pre-order. It is scheduled to be released in September 2025. As of now, I have been able to locate the lowest price (30% off) at the publisher’s web site. However, […]
A few days ago I posted on social media my desire to host a series of Zoom meetings with professors to discuss best practices in missions education in the academy. As promised, I am following up to provide more details and extend an official invitation. I have been in the […]
Best Practices in Missions Education
I must confess. . . in this episode Alan and Annie let me down. And just when they were doing so well! Their conversation is related to an article I wrote in February 2010, “Ethical Guidelines for Church Planters.” I encourage you to check out the post (for context) at […]
AI Alan and Annie on Ethical Guidelines for Church Planters
AI Allen and Annie continue this season as they discuss my March 3, 2023 writing, “8 Challenges to the Apostolic Imagination.” In this episode, I find myself in more agreement with them. Should I be concerned? Is this a fluke? Are they learning my views as they “train” on my […]
8 Challenges to the Apostolic Imagination
The stewardship of innovation includes an awareness of reality. Therefore leading for innovation requires an awareness of concerns among members of churches and organizations. Here is my list of nine beliefs that keep evangelicals from valuing innovation. 1) Innovation is unbiblical – The first disciples did not innovate. 2) We […]
9 Defeater Beliefs that Keep Evangelicals from Innovation
In the previous episode, I introduced a new aspect of innovation into this season with AI Alan and Annie. Be sure to check it out to understand why I am doing this special season. AI Alan and Annie return in this episode and discuss two of my blog posts (at […]