
We know the end of the story–all peoples gathered around the throne (Rev 7:9). We look forward to this day. We pray and labor for this day. There are 7,000 unreached people groups in the world. What if we knew there was one group who never had one followed of […]

Reaching the Nations: Thinking about Highest Priority

One year ago today I joined the faculty of Samford University to teach missions in the newly developed Christian Ministry program that would quickly become the university’s Christian Ministry Department and home to Samford’s Ministry Training Institute. It has been a wonderful year, filled with excitement and challenge and saturated […]

Samford’s Christian Ministry Department: 1 Year Later

The ascension of Jesus to the right hand of the Father is celebrated on the Christian calendar as taking place thirty-nine days after Easter Sunday. This is officially celebrated on a Thursday. Interesting fact: My denomination gives little attention to Ascension Day. In fact, I do not remember a time […]

Why We Gentiles should be Doubly-Thankful on Ascension Day