
Contextualization is vital to Kingdom labors. A great deal of energy and effort is expended every year among missiologists and missionaries who discuss this topic. And I do not believe we should ever cease talking about it. No one is culturally neutral. All of our disciple making methods and strategies […]

Reducing the Stumbling Block before THE Stumbling Block

In this post, I continue my Apostolic Imagination series with some thoughts on rethinking purpose and missions. You may find the previous two posts HERE and HERE. Biblical Purpose is in Biblical Language As long as we continue to use extra-biblical language to describe the work of the Church, we […]

Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking Purpose and Mission

Like many of you, I have been grieving the present conflict within the United Methodist Church. While I am very thankful for the result of yesterday’s vote, my heart breaks that such a matter had to come to the floor of a national meeting. I am not a member of […]

Oh! That they would continue in the Spirit of Wesley ...

Dr. Steve Leston is my guest in this episode of Strike the Match. Steve is the president and CEO of To Every Tribe. We discuss the importance of multiplying leaders and training church planters. Steve shares about To Every Tribe and their unique training approach that includes “The Eight Phases […]

Steve Leston and To Every Tribe