
In my previous post, I shared part 1 of my lecture given at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary on the topic of apostolic church planting. The video of part 2 is posted below. Here I address some of the challenges of applying apostolic church planting strategy and methods to a post-Christianized […]

Apostolic Church Planting: Foundations and Challenges, Part 2

The status quo is not a bad thing. If everything was constantly in flux, then little progress would be made. The status quo is important in local church ministry. Healthy, biblical structures and organizations are necessary for the sanctification of the saints and Kingdom expansion. We pastors should not feel […]

Too Many Leaders Want the Status Quo. . . and ...

Lord willing, May 16, I will be doing a webinar with Matthew Ellison and the good folks of Sixteen:Fifteen on developing an apostolic imagination. We are hoping this event will be a blessing to you and your ministry. Evangelicals have been discussing unreached people groups for over 40 years. Much […]

Free Webinar: Developing an Apostolic Imagination

If you are a regular at this blog, you know one of the missing components in preaching today is a hermeneutic that includes the mission of God. Thankfully, a great deal of preaching in evangelical circles is expositional and Christocentric. However, we still have a long way to go before […]

5 Commitments of a People on Mission with God

The role of the pastor is critical in a church’s local and global apostolic work. At the turn of the 20th century, John R. Mott was correct when he wrote: The secret of enabling the home Church to press her advantage in the non-Christian world is one of leadership. The […]

Pastor: Holder of the Key or Lock to Missions?

All evangelism is important but all evangelism is not equal. There is a difference between a church having an evangelistic invitation (e.g., altar call) during a worship gathering and a church sending members to share the gospel with unreached people groups. Yet, most people would say both of these churches […]

All Evangelism is not Equal