Milestones and memories are part of life. We need them. They are times of celebration and reflection. They show up as birthday celebrations (though not all cultures celebrate such chronological markers). In the Old Testament, celebrations and symbols were mandated by God for various reasons. Such markers can occur in […]
I give you thanks, O LORD, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise; I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. On […]
Here is a video (or audio if you prefer) of a sermon I preached yesterday. It is from Jonah and titled “Living with a Gracious and Compassionate God.” Here are the message notes. If you would like a small group discussion guide, you may find it here. I hope these […]
Resources for Your Study in Jonah
I remember when it was. Don’t you? I am not certain when Black Friday became a week. Just a few years ago, Black Friday began late Thursday night (maybe we switched to a lunar calendar). Then it moved to sometime after everyone ate Turkey, had a nap, and needed to […]
I Thought Black Friday was a Day
As I mentioned before, I really like Marv Newell’s book, Expect Great Things. He encourages sharing these great quotes with others. Here are a few from the sections on “Character” and “Church and Mission”: “The greatest hindrance to the advancement of the gospel worldwide is the failure of the lives […]
Quotes on Character, Church, and Mission
Steve Jobs was known for his reality distortion field. Yes, he got some things accomplished, but he messed up–and messed up some others–big time along the way. And for me, how one gets to the accomplishment is just as important as the accomplishment as itself. What would it profit someone […]