Since writing Strangers Next Door, people continue to ask for stories of the gospel reaching not only people who migrated but also stories of them returning to their countries of birth with the gospel. While I share some stories in the book, we all desire more of them. Baptist Press […]
Yesterday marked the beginning of the largest Hindu festival, Diwali. This is a time of celebrating the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. Its significance to Hindus has been compared to the significance of Christmas to Christians. Of all countries, India is home to the largest number of […]
Diwali: Festival of Lights
We decided a couple of years ago to have a church-wide day of prayer and fasting, and continue this practice once per quarter. We fast for 24 hours and pray. On that particular evening, the church gathers for a time of corporate prayer. No gathering is exactly like previous gatherings. […]
Corporate Fasting and Prayer
Important findings were released today from the Pew Research Center. In a survey of more than 35,000 U. S. adults, the study examined numerous aspects about religiosity and Americans. Below are a few findings. Be sure to read the article. overall adult population is now less religious than in 2007 […]
U. S. Becoming Less Religious
A flight from London to New York in 30 minutes? It does sound far fetched, but this article tells the story. Would any Kingdom citizens of the nineteenth century have believed the technological advances of the twenty-first? What would the Moravians of the eighteenth century have done with the technology […]
London to New York in 30 min?
Sometimes this collision happens. Today was my day. While reading about a Ph.D. student, I was shocked when the caption noted he was part of the “class of 2020.” 2020?! I immediately thought that was a long way off, then remembered we’re about to enter 2016. The next thought to […]