A Brookings’ article released last year drew attention to the new reality that, in the U. S., poverty is more prevalent in the suburbs than in the urban areas. Fifty-six percent of those living in poverty in major metro areas are living in the suburbs. Between 2000-2013, the suburban poor […]
We take great comfort in the predictable. But what happens when the Spirit brings God-fearers and Gentiles into the Kingdom? That is unexpected. Are we comfortable with His lack of predictability in certain areas? Yes, I know we are whenever we read about His actions in the Book of Acts […]
His Predictable Unpredictability
My latest book, To the Edge: Reflections on Kingdom Leadership, Mission, and Innovation, was published last week (Kindle should release soon) with a crazy deal for a new book: “Buy 1, Get 1 for Free to Give Away”! That’s two books for $16.00. That’s two books to get you and […]
What Others are Saying
Discussions related to the topic of orality and missions often focus on contexts outside of North America. However, in 2003 half of the Untied States’ citizens struggled with literacy. Few college students read books on a regular basis after graduation. And according to my guest, Mark Snowden, after work and […]
Mark Snowden on Orality in the United States
We want to be on the edge of Kingdom advancement. Where should our church or agency focus? Is it urban? Is it orality? Is it unreached peoples? Unengaged-unreached? Is it disciple making and church planting? Is it combating trafficking? Combating poverty? Is it social development? Justice issues? Is it partnering […]
Diasporas: The Nexus of the Issues
Today is the day! To the Edge: Reflections on Kingdom Leadership, Mission, and Innovation has been released! Check out the link below for a summary of the book or listen to my podcast. I need your assistance in promoting this book. As a means of helping you and to show […]