
There is much in the Bible that addresses the topic of shame (referenced more than twice as often as the notion of guilt). This is good news as we labor among the 4 billion! For most of the world is not as individualistically-oriented as we in the West. Matters such […]

Werner Mischke and The Global Gospel

People periodically ask about my writing methodology. While I do not consider my approach the best or that I am a great writer, I do enjoy sharing what the Lord has taught me over the years. I am not a writing teacher, my grammar and speling ain’t great, and I […]

My Approach to Writing

I met Carl F. H. Henry several years ago. He was one of the most influential theologians of the 20th century. I greatly admired him and deeply appreciated his stance for truth. Though his magnum opus is the massive 6-volume God, Revelation, and Authority, his brief book The Uneasy Conscience […]

Carl Henry, Apostolic Task, and Blurring the Lines

Part of shepherding your people to the field means knowing about marketplace needs. Countries often frown upon natives from other countries coming in and taking jobs–unless it has been difficult to find a national for the job. Here are the ten-most difficult positions to fill across the world. Do you […]

Shepherd Your People to the Marketplace

Last month I shared a glimpse of the cover of one of two books I’m publishing this year. I am extremely excited that Apostolic Church Planting is now available for pre-order. This is my third work on the topic of church planting which builds from the foundational work established in […]

New Church Planting Book