
The past is always better. It just got messed up along the way. If this or that would not have happened, then everything would be okay. I got a bad deal. [REPEAT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE] This is the Uncle Rico Syndrome. It freezes us to a moment […]

Uncle Rico Syndrome

One of the coffee shops I frequent, because of its proximity to my office, has great customer service. The baristas are great! The service is fast. It is a place of much generosity. But sometimes generosity results in problems. 99.9% of the time I drink my coffee black. However, I’ve […]

When Generosity Hurts

Christian holidays are excellent opportunities to connect with your neighbors and share your faith.  With Valentine’s Day around the corner, I want to give you an idea to try in the future–one that my family and I have used before–if you’re willing to dig into some history and party. Here […]

Using the Christian Calendar as an Opportunity to Party

Great ideas develop from collaboration not through privatization.  Remember, victory may be found in an abundance of counselors (Prov 24:6), not a lone ranger.  Counselors (plural) are able to provide healthy guidance to a people (Prov 11:14). Great ideas develop in community not isolation. Great ideas are developed by an […]

Origin of Gospel Advancing Ideas