The past is always better. It just got messed up along the way. If this or that would not have happened, then everything would be okay. I got a bad deal. [REPEAT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE] This is the Uncle Rico Syndrome. It freezes us to a moment […]
One of the coffee shops I frequent, because of its proximity to my office, has great customer service. The baristas are great! The service is fast. It is a place of much generosity. But sometimes generosity results in problems. 99.9% of the time I drink my coffee black. However, I’ve […]
When Generosity Hurts
Leaders preach to the choir. They are members of our tribe. We need it as preachers. The choir needs it. When we preach to the choir, we are reminding them what they already know, what they already believe. It is an extremely important aspect of tribal life. It is foundational […]
Stretch the Choir
Christian holidays are excellent opportunities to connect with your neighbors and share your faith. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, I want to give you an idea to try in the future–one that my family and I have used before–if you’re willing to dig into some history and party. Here […]
Using the Christian Calendar as an Opportunity to Party
Great ideas develop from collaboration not through privatization. Remember, victory may be found in an abundance of counselors (Prov 24:6), not a lone ranger. Counselors (plural) are able to provide healthy guidance to a people (Prov 11:14). Great ideas develop in community not isolation. Great ideas are developed by an […]
Origin of Gospel Advancing Ideas
The Word has much to say about the importance of patience–including it being an aspect of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22). We dare not fail to teach about it and model it. However, as patient priests, we walk in the world of the instant. The Church walks in […]