I have long appreciated the great Kingdom work accomplished by Sixteen:Fifteen. They work hard to help churches discover and use their unique gifts in partnership with others to make Christ known among all nations. They provide extensive resources such as The Mission Table, The Mission Matters Podcast, and a variety […]
How can ordinary followers of Jesus be transformed into extraordinary disciple makers? That is the topic of discussion on this episode of Strike the Match. George Robinson is my guest and serves as a professor of global disciple making at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He […]
George Robinson on Generational Disciple-Making
I go solo on the mic in this episode and share the big announcement that Apostolic Imagination and Theology of Mission were recently published. Every book has a story, and you will hear why these were written. I address the general contents of the books and do a little reading […]
Big Announcement-Top 10 Countries Listening-Personal Update
Open Doors just released their annual report on the top 50 countries where “it is most difficult to follow Jesus.” Be sure to check out their web site and get a copy of the report. Who made the top five this year? Afghanistan North Korea Somalia Libya Yemen Here are […]
World Watch List 2022
I shall keep this post brief. The past several days have been most challenging and an emotional roller coaster. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and given about a year to live–assuming chemo treatments. She has yet to decide whether she will participate in such therapy. Please pray for us […]
Pray for My Family
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth” (1 Cor 3:6-7). Do you ever wonder, when it comes to sharing your faith, if the Lord is involved? That, at times, it does not seem He […]