Maranatha is used once in the New Testament at the conclusion of 1 Corinthians. The word is Aramaic in origin and the exact meaning is debated among scholars. The ESV translates it as “Our Lord, come” (1 Cor 16:22). But others have advocated: “Our Lord has come” and “Our Lord […]
I have been in the classroom since the late 1990s. During my graduate studies, I felt the Lord leading me to the halls of academia. There were no classes to guide a person through the steps to become–and thrive as–a seminary professor. I watched what was modeled in front of […]
Another Giveaway: Professor Talk
I interrupt my hiatus to bring this important announcement. Apostolic Imagination: Recovering a Biblical Vision for the Church’s Mission Today is now available for pre-order! Of all of my books, this one has been the longest in the making. Though it took about a year to write, the concepts–and title–came […]
Apostolic Imagination Available for Pre-Order
Today’s post is written to my professor friends. I want to make myself available to you and your students. I was blessed to have excellent professors who modeled the ministry of writing and publishing. However, little verbal encouragement was given to replicate their models, and hardly any “how to’s” and […]
Volunteering for Your Students
The great word for Good Friday was stated. Greater words are for today: “He is not here, for he has risen. . . go quickly and tell” (Matt 28: 6, 7). And tell we must.
Greater Words for Today