Writing and publishing expands your influence in the present and extends your influence into a future (Lord willing) beyond yourself. In part one of this two-part podcast, I address my approach to the ministry of writing and publishing. I share my philosophy on writing and practical methods. Listen. Share. Discuss. […]
If you are a regular here or have read To the Edge, then you know I believe strongly in Kingdom innovation. Such is a matter of wise stewardship. Churches and mission leaders acknowledge their ministry challenges and need to overcome them. However, I am surprised by the low number of […]
Stewardship of Innovation
Communication breakdown is inevitable when it comes to disciple making. This is especially true when engaging in intercultural communication. Every team wants to reduce (or even eliminate) the cultural stumbling blocks they often set before others before giving them the stumbling block of the cross (1 Cor 1:23; 9:12; 2 […]
10 Ways to Understand People
February is recognized as Black History Month in the United States. So, I want to point you to some helpful resources celebrating the Spirit’s work in and through the lives of our brothers and sisters of yesteryear. These links are only to get you started. More information is available. Be […]
Remembering African American Missionaries
Our Lord’s commission came with the expectation to “make disciples” (Matt 28:19). He desires that we “bear fruit” (John 15:5). He is pragmatic; and we should be too. Given the great needs of the world and the limited resources we have received, stewardship is a must. How do we leverage […]
Stewardship of the Few
Today is a big day in the States. Here are a few passages (ESV) to consider during this time. These call us, regardless of nationality, to prayer, encouragement, hope, godly-living, and mission. “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings […]