Evangelical Missiological Society

We know the end of the story–all peoples gathered around the throne (Rev 7:9). We look forward to this day. We pray and labor for this day. There are 7,000 unreached people groups in the world. What if we knew there was one group who never had one followed of […]

Reaching the Nations: Thinking about Highest Priority

Forty-five years ago this week (July 16-25, 1974), 2700 participants, from 151 countries, gathered in Lausanne, Switzerland for the International Congress on Global Evangelization. This gathering was the result of a great deal of planning with much leadership provided by Billy Graham and John Stott. The desire: bring global evangelical […]

6 Contributions of the Lausanne Movement

If Jesus is building His Church, then we should expect change. If we are filled with a dynamic Spirit, then we should expect change. And along with change comes innovation. However, church and mission agencies are often slow to innovate. Some completely avoid innovation. The problem with this is that […]

Innovation in Mission Web Event

This post continues my Rethinking Contemporary Missions series. If you are just joining, you may find the other posts linked below. Context is king. Some of your questions related to today’s post may be answered in one of these previous writings: Rethinking Language in Mission Rethinking Purpose in Mission Rethinking […]

Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking Identity in Mission

Like many of you, I have been grieving the present conflict within the United Methodist Church. While I am very thankful for the result of yesterday’s vote, my heart breaks that such a matter had to come to the floor of a national meeting. I am not a member of […]

Oh! That they would continue in the Spirit of Wesley ...