The Church often overlooks the role of artistic expression in Kingdom advancement while limiting such expressions to worship music. However, artists are a powerhouse of Great Commission potential. In this episode, Dr. Byron Spradlin is my guest. Byron is the president of Artists in Christian Testimony International. You need to […]
Evangelical Missiological Society
Great advancements in evangelical mission activity have taken place over the past sixty years. Moving from the mission-station model, we entered into a new paradigm–a paradigm in which we presently reside. However, paradigms have lifespans. As I have written before, the thinking and practices of today will not sustain healthy […]
Apostolic Imagination: Re-Thinking Contemporary Missions
Dr. Steve Leston is my guest in this episode of Strike the Match. Steve is the president and CEO of To Every Tribe. We discuss the importance of multiplying leaders and training church planters. Steve shares about To Every Tribe and their unique training approach that includes “The Eight Phases […]
Steve Leston and To Every Tribe
The further we move away from biblical language to describe our actions, the greater the likelihood our actions will move away from biblical purposes. The further we move away from biblical models to guide our actions, the greater the likelihood our actions will move away from biblical purposes. Without the […]
Time to Stop Talking about Missions and Church Planting?
Last week, Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration, and Mission turned four years old. And while I have been speaking on the topic of this book for a few years, requests have increased in 2016. The hearts of the saints are moving concerning this topic. The rapidly growing area of missiology […]
When the Field is Redefined
Two of the most influential missiological books of the twentieth century were Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? and The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church, both written by Roland Allen. Even today, Allen’s missiology greatly influences missionary activities. In this episode, Steven Rutt and I continue our two-part conversation about Roland Allen. What were […]