In this episode, I address the theme of mission in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It is important to understand the Synoptics provide a continuity between the Old Testament and New Testament. When we arrived at the New Testament, 400 years have passed since the conclusion of the Old Testament. In […]
I launched this blog in 2010 as a means to release a massive report on evangelical concentrations in the United States and Canada. Such was based on data housed at The ARDA. Over the years, I have attempted to share the updated evangelical percentages and church to population ratios. While […]
Least Reached US Metro Areas
Saint Patrick’s Day is tomorrow, so I wanted to provide you with a quick post on some excellent resources related to Patrick. A great deal of myth surrounds the man, his methods, and motives. Scholars question much of what we think we know. Hopefully, what I have linked below will […]
Saint Patrick’s Day Resources for You
Apostolic Imagination was published twelve months ago. As with most books, it takes time for word to spread and people to add a new piece of literature to their reading lists. Most authors take time to reflect on their works with more and deeper reflection the farther they move away […]
8 Challenges to the Apostolic Imagination
In this episode, I address a theology of mission by examining the mission of God in the Prophets. The methods by which the nations move into relationship with the nation of Israel and her God has been described as historical incorporation and eschatological ingathering. The Former and Latter Prophets address […]
Mission in the Prophets – Part 1
Yesterday would have been Roland Allen’s 154th birthday. I assumed Google was not offering a Doodle, so I shared several posts on Twitter throughout this week. If you did not get to see any of the links or quotes, you may go through my feed HERE. Allen has been an […]