Great advancements in evangelical mission activity have taken place over the past sixty years. Moving from the mission-station model, we entered into a new paradigm–a paradigm in which we presently reside. However, paradigms have lifespans. As I have written before, the thinking and practices of today will not sustain healthy […]
The 1960s was a socially divided time in the United States. Birmingham, Alabama (the city in which I live) was one of the country’s most segregated and divided. A few miles from my house is the property of 16th Street Baptist Church where the horrific church bombing occurred, killing four […]
One Race, One Gospel, One Task
Dr. Steven Rutt has written the definitive works on Roland Allen. And both of these books were published in 2018. Roland Allen: A Missionary Life is an outstanding biography on the man behind such books as Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? and The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church. And […]
Steven Rutt on Roland Allen’s Life and Work
I am with a great group of missiologists this week at Wheaton College. I recently received an invitation to join the Send Institute’s Missiologists’ Council, a partnership between the Billy Graham Center and the North American Mission Board. While the highlight of yesterday was riding around in the back seat of […]
First Bible Printed in North America
The apostolic nature of God in the Old Testament has been on my mind for sometime. The fact that God sends Himself, on His mission, is the beginning of the practical outworking of the redemption and restoration of all things. I believe the Church often overlooks this important aspect of […]
Old Testament and the Mission of God
Steven Richard Rutt is the leading Roland Allen scholar. I got to know him while editing Roland Allen’s The Ministry of Expansion where Steven contributed a chapter. I had him on Strike the Match two years ago to talk about Roland Allen’s life and missiology. Lord willing, we shall have […]