Psalm 67 is a passage that comes to mind whenever I think about the mission of God. Here is a wonderful text noting how God blesses His people that the nations may praise Him. An interesting concept: blessed to be a blessing. I recently had the honor to preach to […]
Someone asked me about the recent origin of the Syrian crisis. I mumbled a few words, nothing sufficient to answer the question. We are quick to forget. We watch the news this morning and by noon forget what we saw. Here is one reporter’s timeline on how the crisis started […]
Timeline on Syrian Crisis
I write this post while sitting in a room with about 100 church leaders. They have come together to hear about the local church and missions. They have come together to hear one church’s story, an imperfect story filled with short-comings and present challenges. They have come to dialogue. This […]
Continue to Share Today’s Stories Later Today
“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on the earth, your salving power among all nations” (Psalm 67:1-2, ESV). It is one thing to be a people with few material blessings and doing what […]
Blessings for the Peoples
The Bible is filled with passages related to the movement of peoples. Even before the Fall, God commanded Adam and Eve to multiply and “fill the earth.” Migration is not a post-Fall matter that started with the exodus from the Garden. Both Testaments contain many excellent texts on this topic. […]
Outline for Your Migration Sermon
The twentieth century has been called the Age of the Refugee. And today, we continue to hear of the flight of the peoples of the world. At the time of this recording, the refugee crisis continues to grow in Europe. The United States is planning to increase her cap on […]