
Pew Research released an extensive report today on US immigration. The foreign-born percentage is near a record high. There are many important findings in this study. If you do not have time to read everything at once, then look over the chapters that immediately appeal to you and come back […]

New Study on US Immigration

I have been thinking about the relationship between eschatology, history, and unreached people groups. And I want to share a thought with you–one that I’m not hearing elsewhere (However, I’m sure someone out there has been thinking this as well.). We know that representatives of all peoples will be around […]

A Question We Need to Ask about the Unengaged

Change often comes in pairs. If we keep doing the same things over-and-over again, desiring different results but always ending up where we started, change is necessary. And after we make that change, we cannot use the same measuring stick. A systemic methodological shift requires a new metric system. The […]

Change and Metrics of Madness

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was created after World War II. The plan was to create this office in 1950, give it a small budget (US $300,000), resettle Europeans displaced due to the war, and dissolve the office after three years. Reports from this week note that […]

European Crisis: Peoples on the Move

Part of my book writing philosophy is that I try to discern where there is a need and write to fill that gap in the literature. While missions literature is a niche among Christian publications (a niche as well), some gaps will only be filled by independent publishing. These gaps […]

Discounted Books

God has not only made every person from Adam and Eve, but He has also determined when and where they will live (Acts 17:26). The reason? That they might find Him (Acts 17:27). 232 million people live outside of their countries of birth. While many of these people are followers […]

Reaching Unreached Peoples in North America