Last week on my YouTube Channel I posted another episode of This Week in Mission History. The year was 1732 and the Moravians were about to launch a global movement that would not only transform their Herrnhut community and unreached people with the gospel but would shift the paradigm of […]
A few years ago, I traveled to Michigan to visit one of our church’s teams serving among an unreached people group. I was looking forward to catching up with the families, bringing encouragement, and providing a small change to their routines. The Spirit was doing some exciting things. I was […]
That Day I Welcomed Afghan Refugees
Just a few words today. For the past several days, my heart has been heavy when I think of Haiti and Afghanistan. I am certain you feel the same way. Things have significantly changed–again–for millions of people in these countries. Beyond the horrors of the loss of life and devastation […]
Heavy Global Hearts
This morning social media reported the death of Dr. Andrew Walls. As of this time, I have been unable to locate a press release or obituary. Such will arrive soon. Dr. Walls was a historian and missiologist. He has been called the father of World Christian Studies, drawing much attention […]
On Andrew Walls
I interrupt my hiatus to bring this important announcement. Apostolic Imagination: Recovering a Biblical Vision for the Church’s Mission Today is now available for pre-order! Of all of my books, this one has been the longest in the making. Though it took about a year to write, the concepts–and title–came […]
Apostolic Imagination Available for Pre-Order
You have heard me state on numerous occasions research is important. The use of the God-given tools we have to understand God’s world is a matter of Kingdom stewardship. We must be BOTH students of God’s Word AND His world. A great deal of my work over the years has […]