The great word for Good Friday was stated. Greater words are for today: “He is not here, for he has risen. . . go quickly and tell” (Matt 28: 6, 7). And tell we must.
The Great Word on This Good Friday
The Church speaks the language of mission but uses more than one dictionary. Eckhard J. Schnabel observes this matter when he writes, “Many exegetical studies on missions fail to indicate which notion of mission is used or presupposed” (Early Christian Mission: Jesus and the Twelve, 11). Consider even the most […]
Communication Breakdown: Language of Mission
Yesterday marked St. Patrick’s Day, a date commemorating the death (461 AD) of the missionary to Ireland. If you were tracking with me this week, then you have already received several of the links below in your social media feed. For those of you who were not. . . 🙁 […]
Patrick of Ireland: Resources for You
If you are a regular here or have read To the Edge, then you know I believe strongly in Kingdom innovation. Such is a matter of wise stewardship. Churches and mission leaders acknowledge their ministry challenges and need to overcome them. However, I am surprised by the low number of […]
Stewardship of Innovation
The country is home to the third largest number of unreached people groups, behind India and China. Most church planting in the country is among reached people groups who already have numerous evangelical churches among them. The country is approximately 26% evangelical and has about 280 unreached people groups. What […]