Five years ago I launched Strike the Match, a podcast addressing matters related to missions, innovation, and leadership. After five seasons and 76 episodes, the time for Season 6 draws near. Stay tuned! If you have not subscribed, take this time to make it happen. You may subscribe at the […]
I recently shared that the Send Institute was hosting a week-long webinar on the topic of North American missiology in a post-pandemic context. It was a great week of conversations. I am honored to serve with this diverse group. If you missed the event, you may find the recordings HERE. […]
Leveraging the Moment to Rethink Long-Term Church Planting
Here is a live stream event you do not want to miss. Next week, seventeen missiologists with the Send Institute will address near-term, mid-term, and long-term matters related to the following topics: Relaunching Decentralized Churches Holistic and Locally Present Engagement Gospel and Culture in the Twenty-first Century Church Planting Churches […]
Post-Pandemic Missiology for North America
We are asking for answers. We need them now. But what happens when the Church finds herself in a situation where there is no solution manual to purchase, no webinar to attend, and no book available? While I am all for collaboration, meetings (even on-line), and seeking the council of […]
When Answers Are Unavailable
I know. I know. It has been ages since I last posted. I promise I am not intentionally neglecting you. I have been writing, just not here. Two book deadlines have consumed my time. I just finished Theology of Mission and sent the manuscript to Lexham Press. It is a […]
Church in a Post-Pandemic Society: What if Nothing Changes?
Wow! It has been over two months since my last post–a record! What have I been doing? Teaching graduate and undergraduate students, writing three books–and developing another two. But, more about that later. . . . Consider this: Is your present ministry model hindering your Kingdom labors? Sarah and I […]