
If Jesus is building His Church and we are filled with a dynamic Spirit, then we should expect change. Also, we live in a world where change is constant. And with change, we encounter ministry barriers. It is here that leaders must lead with innovation. Throughout history, the Church has […]

Ted Esler and the Innovation Crisis

I interrupt my hiatus to bring this important announcement. Apostolic Imagination: Recovering a Biblical Vision for the Church’s Mission Today is now available for pre-order! Of all of my books, this one has been the longest in the making. Though it took about a year to write, the concepts–and title–came […]

Apostolic Imagination Available for Pre-Order

You have heard me state on numerous occasions research is important. The use of the God-given tools we have to understand God’s world is a matter of Kingdom stewardship. We must be BOTH students of God’s Word AND His world. A great deal of my work over the years has […]

Know Your City

In this second episode of a two-part series, I continue to discuss the ministry of writing and publishing. I specifically address publishing books through traditional publishing houses, indie publishing, and partial-investment publishing. As a hybrid author, I have used each of these paradigms. They have unique strengths and limitations. Listen. […]

On Writing and Publishing – Part 2

If you are a regular here or have read To the Edge, then you know I believe strongly in Kingdom innovation. Such is a matter of wise stewardship. Churches and mission leaders acknowledge their ministry challenges and need to overcome them. However, I am surprised by the low number of […]

Stewardship of Innovation