
“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecc 1:9). When I was a graduate and doctoral student, I was exposed to a great deal of Donald McGavran’s writings. One of the things […]

Take the Playlist Off Repeat and Buy the Next Album!

Entrepreneur posted a helpful article today. Generation Z, born between 1995-2010, comprise 20% of the workforce. This percentage will increase, for many remain students. Those of us leading Gen Z and working to develop them into leaders need all the help we can get. 🙂 Here are 6 important things […]

6 Characteristics of Gen Z

When Denny Spitters and Matthew Ellison published When Everything is Missions, they drew attention to the Church’s present state in which she (particularly in North America) finds herself in relation to her global task. If you do not have a copy of their book, go HERE and get it now. […]

New Book: Conversations on When Everything is Missions

Recently, I have been sharing thoughts about the importance of the Church using arts to advance the gospel. Last week at my YouTube channel, I posted a video on this topic. Here I discuss four ways the Church has historically approached the arts and offer some suggestions for shepherding artists […]

Art, Church, Mission of God

Mission language forms our ideas and actions. Talking about such language is not a waste of time. Uncertainty abounds when it comes to the language of mission. Definitions are found in the eye of the beholder. Missionary activity is defined as everything from church planting among an unreached people to […]

Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking Language of Mission