
I want to share with you another book that you need to add to your library.  And, if you are one of my Southern Baptist readers, then you absolutely have to add this book to your library within the next 43 seconds! Over the past year, Evangelicals have heard much […]

New Book: Great Commission Resurgence

One of the major topics being addressed in missions today is the topic of orality.  It is a matter of great significance, and will continue to be in the days to come, including in post-Christianized, western contexts. In light of this matter, I want you to be aware of a […]

Author Interview: Truth That Sticks

I want to share with you another book that you need to add to your library.  Envisioning Effective Ministry: Evangelism in a Muslim Context is hot off the press.  It is the best of the best EMQ articles on what you need to know about ministering to Muslims.  My friends Laurie Fortunak Nichols and Gary […]

Envisioning Effective Ministry: Evangelism in a Muslim Context

In this post, I want to draw your attention to the recently published book Viral Churches: Helping Church Planters Become Movement Makers by Ed Stetzer and Warren Bird.  Stetzer is the president of LifeWay Research and Bird directs the research division at Leadership Network and teaches at Alliance Theological Seminary.   Both of these men […]

Interview with Ed Stetzer on Viral Churches

One of the developing sub-categories of missiology is that of diaspora missiology.  While I am presently working on a book related to this topic (I’ll share more in the next post.), I consider Enoch Wan, Professor of Intercultural Studies at Western Theological Seminary, as one of the world’s leading experts in this developing […]

Diaspora Missiology: Part 1