
Today is a bittersweet Sunday. Bitter, because dear friends are leaving our church to move across country; sweet, because we commissioned them to go as part of a church planting team. Bitter, because unreached people groups still exist; sweet, because they are going to share the good news with them. […]

A Bittersweet Commissioning

The United States is home to the third largest number of unreached people groups in the world (behind India and China). The Global Gates Network is one of very few groups in North America attempting to make disciples and plant churches among the unreached peoples in the United States. In […]

Global Gates and Unreached People Groups

I recently spoke at the Empowered Conference hosted by the Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia. It was a wonderful time with the brothers and sisters from around the state. I was encouraged to hear what the Spirit is doing through their Kingdom labors. My assignment: share from my book Strangers […]

Reaching the Strangers Next Door

We are living in a time when the greatest number of Muslims are coming to faith. Last year, David Garrison noted this reality in his book A Wind in the House of Islam: How God is Drawing Muslims around the World to Faith in Jesus Christ. David traveled over 250,000 […]

Muslim Movements to Christ

Last week, the Pew Research Center released an extensive report on the future populations of different world religions. Though there is troubling information here, this is a fascinating work providing a sobering reality of our world. Here are a few of the projections from 2010-2050: In the United States, Christians […]

Growth Projections of World Religions

Yemen has been in the news a great deal for the past several months. However, global attention recently has been raised to a new level with some asking if the crisis is about to spark a regional war. If you need a summary of what is happening, check out this […]

Remembering Yemen