I know. I know. It has been ages since I last posted. I promise I am not intentionally neglecting you. I have been writing, just not here. Two book deadlines have consumed my time. I just finished Theology of Mission and sent the manuscript to Lexham Press. It is a […]
Wow! It has been over two months since my last post–a record! What have I been doing? Teaching graduate and undergraduate students, writing three books–and developing another two. But, more about that later. . . . Consider this: Is your present ministry model hindering your Kingdom labors? Sarah and I […]
Is Your Ministry Model Hindering Your Ministry?
The topic of climate change makes the news everyday. Yet, few within the missions community are talking about this matter. John Ferch is an exception. I recently attended the annual Evangelical Missiological Society where I listened to John give a presentation on his experience in Alaska. He provided a fresh […]
John Ferch on Climate Change and Mission
Craig Ott is my guest on this episode of Strike the Match. Craig is a professor of Mission and Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. We talk about ecclesiology and missiology as we focus on Craig’s book The Church on Mission: A Biblical Vision for Transformation among All People. […]
Craig Ott–The Church on Mission
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) periodically releases the World Migration Report, one the most important studies on global migration. They just released the 2020 findings. Download the 500 page book for free HERE. A few numbers from the report: The number of international migrants is estimated to be 272 […]
World Migration Report
If you follow me on social media (or have recently read this blog), then you know Jon Hirst and I took the past six months to offer webinars on various topics related to innovation and mission. It was a great journey as we interacted with this matter and several participants […]