North American Missions

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) periodically releases the World Migration Report, one the most important studies on global migration. They just released the 2020 findings. Download the 500 page book for free HERE. A few numbers from the report: The number of international migrants is estimated to be 272 […]

World Migration Report

If you follow me on social media (or have recently read this blog), then you know Jon Hirst and I took the past six months to offer webinars on various topics related to innovation and mission. It was a great journey as we interacted with this matter and several participants […]

Free Innovation in Mission Training

Denny Spitters and Matthew Ellison recently published the provocative book When Everything is Missions. You can tell by the title these authors took on some sacred cows with this writing. I have written endorsements for many books. However, this is the only book to date I believe every North American […]

How did Everything become Missions?

Many believers in the United States do not know their neighbors. And they often prefer to share the gospel with people they know. Clearly, a disconnect exists. Several years ago, I developed a very simple and fun outreach method that involves holiday parties. The Christian calendar provides numerous annual events […]

Using the Calendar to Reach Your Neighbors

Conversations about sexual immorality and pornography are often challenging to have within the Church’s fellowship. My guest in this episode is Dr. David Parks, Director of the Global Center at Beeson Divinity School. We address the impact of the pornification of societies on the Church and Her mission. Why is […]

David Parks on Mission and the Pornification of Societies

“It is gradually becoming clear that the pattern which has been followed up to now (one-way traffic in missions, spiritual and financial dependence of the younger Churches, and the like) is old, obsolete, and thus about to disappear.” Here is a fascinating quote, one that recognizes missionary work now exists […]

Why Does it Take Decades for Methods to Adjust to ...