July 4, Independence Day, is a major holiday in my country. If you are not familiar with the significance of this day, check out the link in the previous sentence. Before I leave for the local fireworks display, I wanted to share this post–one written to my fellow American brothers […]
North American Missions
Today marks the death of one of the most influential missionary thinkers of the 20th century: Anglican priest, Roland Allen. Missiological giants such as Lesslie Newbigin and Donald McGavran drank deeply from Allen’s well. Allen served for a few years in China and lived through the Boxer Uprising. He later […]
Roland Allen: Misunderstood Prophet
As a kid, I loved watching Ripley’s Believe It or Not (with Jack Palance). If you are a Gen Xer or older, then you know what I’m talking about! You Millennials and Gen Zers will have to YouTube it. Palance would introduce every episode as being about “the strange, the […]
What Ripley’s Believe It or Not Taught Me about Kingdom ...
Earlier this month, Jon Hirst and I launched a series of six conversations related to Kingdom Innovation. Jon recently wrote about this topic on the International Mission Board’s BLOG. If you were unable to join us and leaders from several countries, check out the recording on what the Bible says […]
How to Apply Kingdom Innovation
Contextualization is vital to Kingdom labors. A great deal of energy and effort is expended every year among missiologists and missionaries who discuss this topic. And I do not believe we should ever cease talking about it. No one is culturally neutral. All of our disciple making methods and strategies […]
Reducing the Stumbling Block before THE Stumbling Block
This post continues my Rethinking Contemporary Missions series. If you are just joining, you may find the other posts linked below. Context is king. Some of your questions related to today’s post may be answered in one of these previous writings: Rethinking Language in Mission Rethinking Purpose in Mission Rethinking […]