North American Missions

February is recognized as Black History Month in the United States. So, I want to point you to some helpful resources celebrating the Spirit’s work in and through the lives of our brothers and sisters of yesteryear. These links are only to get you started. More information is available. Be […]

Remembering African American Missionaries

February is recognized as Black History Month in the United States. The Church would be wise to take time to reflect on the history and ministries of our African-American brothers and sisters in particular. John Marrant (1755-1791) is an often overlooked, yet important, individual in U.S., Canadian, and British mission […]

John Marrant (1755-1791)

Lesslie Newbigin once stated, “there is no higher priority for the research work of missiologists than to ask the question of what would be involved in a genuinely missionary encounter between the gospel and this modern Western culture.” While Newbigin’s words and work led the Church to claim the “West […]

Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking the West

Today is a big day in the States. Here are a few passages (ESV) to consider during this time. These call us, regardless of nationality, to prayer, encouragement, hope, godly-living, and mission. “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings […]

Inauguration Day

I return to the discussion of the apostolic imagination in this episode. The majority of evangelicals do not subscribe to an evangelistic priority when it comes to the Church’s missionary activity. The priority is no priority. This is a recent development in history. As twentieth century theologians returned to the […]

Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking Priority

The Institute for International Education tracks data on students studying at colleges in the United States. Their annual report, Open Doors, is an excellent resource and was released yesterday. Be sure to check out the PDF. The student population exceeds one million international students. However, this past academic year witnessed […]

Latest Stats: International Students in the U. S.