If you are a regular here or have read To the Edge, then you know I believe strongly in Kingdom innovation. Such is a matter of wise stewardship. Churches and mission leaders acknowledge their ministry challenges and need to overcome them. However, I am surprised by the low number of […]
Pastoral Training
Elders are the most influential people when it comes to churches going to the nations. However, such pastors are busy and often so focused on established church ministry they do not take time to develop the needed apostolic imagination. In this episode, I share 14 thoughts to help church leaders […]
Apostolic Imagination: 14 Suggestions for Pastors
Lesslie Newbigin once stated, “there is no higher priority for the research work of missiologists than to ask the question of what would be involved in a genuinely missionary encounter between the gospel and this modern Western culture.” While Newbigin’s words and work led the Church to claim the “West […]
Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking the West
One of the courses I teach at Beeson Divinity School is Contemporary Issues and Strategies in Missions. It is usually offered as a January class and began again today. After twenty years of training pastors and church planters, I have noticed that many struggle in the area of strategic planning. […]
5 Practices of Strategic Leaders
Roland Allen was born on this date in 1868. He turned the world of missions upside down. Allen (1868-1947) was an Anglican, priest, missionary, author, and provocateur. While his influence was felt in the latter twentieth and twenty-first centuries, his views were often disregarded during his lifetime. Books such as Missionary […]
Roland Allen’s Birthday
“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecc 1:9). When I was a graduate and doctoral student, I was exposed to a great deal of Donald McGavran’s writings. One of the things […]