I return to the discussion of the apostolic imagination in this episode. The majority of evangelicals do not subscribe to an evangelistic priority when it comes to the Church’s missionary activity. The priority is no priority. This is a recent development in history. As twentieth century theologians returned to the […]
Pastoral Training
Entrepreneur posted a helpful article today. Generation Z, born between 1995-2010, comprise 20% of the workforce. This percentage will increase, for many remain students. Those of us leading Gen Z and working to develop them into leaders need all the help we can get. 🙂 Here are 6 important things […]
6 Characteristics of Gen Z
I have been with Samford University two years and loving it (actually 2.5)! It was a great honor to join the new Christian Ministry Department a few weeks before things launched. Founder, professor, and executive director, Dr. Scott Guffin and I were the only faculty when the first classes were […]
Christian Ministry @ Samford University
How many apostles are in the Bible? Twelve? Twelve plus Paul? More than that? What about Jesus “the apostle and high priest?” Did apostles cease to exist after the first century or remain today? In this episode, I continue with The Apostolic Imagination series addressing fixed and fluid categories of […]
Apostolic Imagination – Apostles and Apostolic Function
Lord willing, the Christian Ministry Department at Samford University will be hosting a meet and information session on-line this Thursday, September 24, 7:00-8:00PM Central Time. If you are a high school senior (or know of one) and interested in a degree in Christian Ministry, with a focus on disciple-making, then […]
High School Seniors: Considering a Degree in Ministry
Here is a live stream event you do not want to miss. Next week, seventeen missiologists with the Send Institute will address near-term, mid-term, and long-term matters related to the following topics: Relaunching Decentralized Churches Holistic and Locally Present Engagement Gospel and Culture in the Twenty-first Century Church Planting Churches […]