I launched Strike the Match on March 12, 2015 (“Who was St. Patrick with Ed Smither”). Season 4 concluded last week. I have enjoyed these four seasons of 64 episodes. Thank you for listening and sharing. You are in 139 countries, with the U. S., Japan, U. K., India, and […]
Pastoral Training
One thing I have learned after 19 years of pastoral ministry is that pastors believe their counsel is good for all of life’s big decisions/experiences, except one. Someone wants to make the big decision to follow Jesus, we’re there. Someone wants to make the big decision to get married, we’re […]
Pastoral Care is Good for Life’s Big Decisions, Except for ...
What time is it? It is time for season 4 of Strike the Match! After 50 episodes, I kick off this season by addressing my recent transition to Samford University. Earlier this summer, I announced this move on the blog. However, I thought it would be good to provide an […]
Season 4 Strike the Match Begins Right Here, Right Now
Lord willing, May 16, I will be doing a webinar with Matthew Ellison and the good folks of Sixteen:Fifteen on developing an apostolic imagination. We are hoping this event will be a blessing to you and your ministry. Evangelicals have been discussing unreached people groups for over 40 years. Much […]
Free Webinar: Developing an Apostolic Imagination
The role of the pastor is critical in a church’s local and global apostolic work. At the turn of the 20th century, John R. Mott was correct when he wrote: The secret of enabling the home Church to press her advantage in the non-Christian world is one of leadership. The […]
Pastor: Holder of the Key or Lock to Missions?
Black Friday week starts today–at least with the sales. Book sales are no exception. If these Payne books are not in your library, then I want to encourage you to add them. For this week, the following ebooks are on sale: Roland Allen’s The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of […]