
Roland Allen was born on this date in 1868. He turned the world of missions upside down. Allen (1868-1947) was an Anglican, priest, missionary, author, and provocateur. While his influence was felt in the latter twentieth and twenty-first centuries, his views were often disregarded during his lifetime. Books such as Missionary […]

Roland Allen’s Birthday

The Church has been told to go into all the world and make disciples. The world is a big place. Where should she begin her apostolic work? How does the apostolic imagination relate to the Great Commission and geography? Most mission work occurs among reached people groups. But with 7000 […]

Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking Location

I completed the draft of my fifteenth book (The Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking Contemporary Missions) yesterday. Stay tuned. It is now off to Baker Academic for the editing process. I am a strong believer in writing and publishing. I attribute this value to what was modeled before me as a graduate […]

Doing Missiological Writing

I return to the discussion of the apostolic imagination in this episode. The majority of evangelicals do not subscribe to an evangelistic priority when it comes to the Church’s missionary activity. The priority is no priority. This is a recent development in history. As twentieth century theologians returned to the […]

Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking Priority

One of the most influential U. S. missiologists was David Hesselgrave. After serving in Japan for several years, he was a professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Some of his writings include Planting Churches Cross-Culturally, Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally, and Paradigms in Conflict. Hesselgrave passed away in 2018. Prior to his […]

Lianna Davis on Writing with David Hesselgrave

How many apostles are in the Bible? Twelve? Twelve plus Paul? More than that? What about Jesus “the apostle and high priest?” Did apostles cease to exist after the first century or remain today? In this episode, I continue with The Apostolic Imagination series addressing fixed and fluid categories of […]

Apostolic Imagination – Apostles and Apostolic Function