
Many tragic stories continue to come from Nepal. Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,400 people and injured almost 6,000. Aftershocks continue. Of the 31 million people who make up this country (not to mention other countries affected), 27 million are considered unreached with the gospel, including almost 4 million unengaged-unreached. […]


This post is not a critique of either Kenya, her government, her churches, or refugee camps. It is a reminder that windows for gospel advancement may only remain open for a season. According to the 7th edition of Operation World, Kenya has the highest percentage of evangelicals in the world […]

Move when the Window is Open

In this second post of this series, I want to share with you the foundational issues for our church’s planting and revitalization efforts.  Listed below are matters we regularly preach, teach, and talk about among our leaders and our members.  Without understanding these foundational issues, it is difficult to understand […]

Why We Do What We Do the Way We Do ...

Last week, I was in Atlanta speaking at the North America Mission Leaders Conference sponsored by MissioNexus.  Their network membership and annual conference registration lists read like a Who’s Who of North American mission agencies and mission leaders.  If you and your organization are not connected with them, then I […]

Globalization and the Pressure Points of Our Age–Presentation