This episode continues the second discussion of God’s mission in the Prophetic Literature. An examination of the Latter Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, The Twelve), reveals several sub-themes related to the blessing of the nations. Here we find God works to bless the nations through: Judgment (Israel in Diaspora and Day […]
In this episode, I address a theology of mission by examining the mission of God in the Prophets. The methods by which the nations move into relationship with the nation of Israel and her God has been described as historical incorporation and eschatological ingathering. The Former and Latter Prophets address […]
Mission in the Prophets – Part 1
In this two-part episode, I continue the series on theology of mission with the discussion of God’s mission in Torah. Throughout these five books, God’s glory among the nations comes through three particular means: 1) A Person: Abraham; 2) A People: Israel; and 3) A Place: Tabernacle. Abraham, and Israel, […]
Mission in Torah – Part 1
Yesterday was International Migrants Day. I shared several important stats particularly related to the United States. In October, I had the honor of speaking to the gracious saints of Providence Baptist Church in Huntsville, Alabama. They wanted me to discuss migration and mission during their annual theology conference. We had […]
Resources for You: Reaching the Strangers Next Door
December 18 marks the annual International Migrants Day. We live during a time that has been called the age of migration. While people on the move is as old as the exodus from the Garden, today’s numbers have brought the world into uncharted waters. 281 million people reside outside their […]
International Migrants Day
Somewhere along the way, we decided it was impossible, or at least improbable, for the Church to experience rapid numerical growth and significant sanctification. I started marking such conversations in my journey as I heard them in the United States in the early 1990s. Many of you can provide earlier […]