
Last week, I was in Atlanta speaking at the North America Mission Leaders Conference sponsored by MissioNexus.  Their network membership and annual conference registration lists read like a Who’s Who of North American mission agencies and mission leaders.  If you and your organization are not connected with them, then I […]

Globalization and the Pressure Points of Our Age–Presentation

I recently wrote a post on the importance of doing our homework on upgs living in our neighborhoods.  A failure to do this research is poor stewardship.  Such omissions often mean we end up pouring more resources and people into reaching reached people groups. In this post, I want to […]

Knowing Utah: Another Excellent Example

I am delighted to share that Unreached Peoples, Least Reached Places: An Untold Story of Lostness in America is now available to download as a pdf.  It’s brief, about fifty pages. That is intentional.  You can read it quickly. The pastors with The Church at Brook Hills are always asking […]

Free Ebook: Unreached Peoples, Least Reached Places

Recently I shared about the release of the 2010 U. S. Congregational Membership Report.  I am pleased to know that some folks across the country are shifting through the numbers to guide their strategic planning.  I hope they are planning on sharing their findings with the rest of us. I […]

Least Reached Counties in the United States

The U. S. Census Bureau released some important information last week on the fastest growing areas in the country. You may find the press release HERE. As you look at the tables below, you’ll notice information on both metro and micro areas of the country. As you prayerfully consider where […]

The Fastest Growing Areas in the U.S.

A new and unique book has been published by the North American Mission Board.  As of yesterday, I was told that it is not yet available to order–but that option is coming soon.  I recently received my copy; so, check out the agency’s web site for updates as to when […]

New Book: Rural Church Planting