
Name the moonwalker who trained Neil Armstrong to walk on the moon. Name the transatlantic pilot who trained Charles Lindbergh to fly across the Atlantic. Name the president of the United States who trained George Washington to be president. Your role as a teacher is not to bring your people […]

Teaching Armstrong to Walk on the Moon

The Church has always been called to a stewardship of innovation. While this terminology has not existed across 2000 years, the expectation has always been present.  We may rarely speak using such language (something I hope changes in our time), but the biblical model for innovation is ever before us. […]

Stewardship of Innovation

Last week, I was in Atlanta speaking at the North America Mission Leaders Conference sponsored by MissioNexus.  Their network membership and annual conference registration lists read like a Who’s Who of North American mission agencies and mission leaders.  If you and your organization are not connected with them, then I […]

Globalization and the Pressure Points of Our Age–Presentation

The Institute of International Education released today the new numbers on international students studying in the United States.  And once again, we have reached a new high of 820,000 students. China is the leading driver of this growth, mainly undergraduates.  Her numbers are on the rise.  Saudi Arabia had a […]

Record Number of International Students in US (again)

We pastors often forget that stewardship extends beyond the realm of giving money for gospel advancement.  For the longest time, we have allowed the notion of being a wise steward to be defined according to money.  And while the issue of finances does exist within the jurisdiction of stewardship, stewardship […]

Call Your People to Marketable Skills and Degrees