
On Sunday I had the honor of speaking to the great group of people known as Boone’s Creek Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky.  They were having their annual “Neighbors to the Nations” event.  I am thankful for the pastor, Dr. Matthew Perry and his heart to reach others with the […]

Neighbors to the Nations

Summer is here.  And along with summer comes vacation.  In light of my plans to experience rest and family and refrain from blogging, I thought I would leave you with a few of my previous posts from the past year-and-a-half.  That way, whenever you are having problems sleeping over the […]

The Past in Review

Wipf and Stock released a book this month that you need to add to your library.  Mobilizing a Great Commission Church for Harvest—edited by Thomas P. Johnston–contains a variety of chapters geared toward leading churches to be on mission. Tom has been a friend for several years.  We were in […]

Mobilizing a Great Commission Church

Last week at Southern Seminary a group of 70 collegiate ministers and church planters gathered to discuss a growing area in missions today.  These men and women arrived from the United States and Canada, and for three days addressed a multitude of issues related to reaching students through church planting […]

Collegiate Church Planting Collaborative