I used a different program structure last season (season 9) on Strike the Match. Frequently, I host guests but decided to teach through my book Theology of Mission: A Concise Biblical Theology. If you are a subscriber, then this post is nothing new to you. However, if Strike the Match […]
Theological Education
In part one of this two-part study, I address mission in the Pauline Literature. Pauline Literature is a deep reservoir of information related to God’s mission in the world. This episode addresses four sub-themes related to mission. The blessing of the nations comes through: 1) A Man – Paul’s Conversion […]
Mission in the Pauline Epistles – Part 1
Many seminaries and divinity schools are concerned about the present and future of theological education. In layperson’s terms, this means a concern for more students enrolled as numbers have been on the decline. Last year, the Association of Theological Schools reported 57% of their member schools noted a declining enrollment. […]
An Overlooked Reason for Decline in Seminary Enrollment
In this episode, I address the theme of mission in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It is important to understand the Synoptics provide a continuity between the Old Testament and New Testament. When we arrived at the New Testament, 400 years have passed since the conclusion of the Old Testament. In […]
Mission in the Synoptics
The Writings comprise the latter section of the Hebrew Scriptures and attempt to show how the people of God were to live in a variety of circumstances. The mission of God saturates the books of Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Chronicles. In […]
Mission in the Writings
Apostolic Imagination was published twelve months ago. As with most books, it takes time for word to spread and people to add a new piece of literature to their reading lists. Most authors take time to reflect on their works with more and deeper reflection the farther they move away […]