Theological Education

In this episode, I address a theology of mission by examining the mission of God in the Prophets. The methods by which the nations move into relationship with the nation of Israel and her God has been described as historical incorporation and eschatological ingathering. The Former and Latter Prophets address […]

Mission in the Prophets – Part 1

The biblical storyline reveals a God who remains faithful to His promises which require the ongoing sending of Himself and His servants into a tragically suffering and deeply needy world to accomplish His mission of redemption and restoration. Mission began with God, is sustained by God, and will culminate with […]

The Apostolic God

Somewhere along the way, we decided it was impossible, or at least improbable, for the Church to experience rapid numerical growth and significant sanctification. I started marking such conversations in my journey as I heard them in the United States in the early 1990s. Many of you can provide earlier […]

Pick One: Church Maturation or Multiplication–for We Can’t have Both, ...

I have posted a series of videos at my YouTube channel on selected aspects of my book Apostolic Imagination. If you are looking for a good introduction to the book, check out these five teaching sessions. Then get a copy of the book! Reimagining Contemporary Missions Reimagining the Language of […]

Apostolic Imagination Video Series

How can ordinary followers of Jesus be transformed into extraordinary disciple makers? That is the topic of discussion on this episode of Strike the Match. George Robinson is my guest and serves as a professor of global disciple making at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He […]

George Robinson on Generational Disciple-Making