I recently shared that I would be making periodic posts on writing. Here is my second such post. I started this blog over five years ago with the purpose of equipping the Church for the multiplication of disciples, leaders, and churches. I even put that phrase in the header. And […]
This post is not a critique of either Kenya, her government, her churches, or refugee camps. It is a reminder that windows for gospel advancement may only remain open for a season. According to the 7th edition of Operation World, Kenya has the highest percentage of evangelicals in the world […]
Move when the Window is Open
Many people will not share their thoughts about an issue until they have thought about what someone else thinks about the issue. They major in thinking about the thoughts of others. They are always looking over their shoulders because they do not feel that it is safe to think for […]
But What Do You Think?
This past weekend I had the delightful experience of spending time in Portland with some amazing brothers and sisters. I was asked to lead the annual Leadership Connexion and speak that evening at Mission Connexion 2015. I never would have guessed that 100 church and agency leaders would sit through […]
Keep Portland Weird
We live in a skeptical day. What does he want? She has another agenda. Desire is not bad. Neither is agenda. However, such question and thought sometimes come from hearts of mistrust. Why? Such hearts have experienced contempt before. They’ve been burned by their leaders, and have learned from it. […]
Overlords Win Sprints, not Marathons
“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel” (Gen 3:15, ESV). “‘And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so […]