Thought of the day: The country is home to a large concentration of evangelicals. The country is home to the third largest number of unreached people groups, behind India and China. Most church planting in the country is among reached people groups. At 26% evangelical, with a conservative estimate of […]
This is the third post in my series about The Church at Brook Hills’ approach to church planting and church revitalization. You may find the other posts HERE and HERE. In this post, I want to share about our Institute for Disciple Making (IDM). IDM exists to equip every member […]
An Engine for Developing World Impacting Disciple Makers
We reproduce what we know. And, we know what is modeled before us. If such is the case, then what happens when what we know is not accomplishing what needs to be done? We end up repeating ourselves, doing the same things with a slightly different variation, expecting new results […]
We Reproduce what We Know
In our desire to see results happen in the Kingdom, we are often too thrilled to have the Gideons lead us. We are many times satisfied with Samsons. If he can defeat such an army with 300, then we want him as our leader! He needs to be on our […]
Too Glad for Gideons, too Satisfied with Samsons
There are many questions to be asked about church health and mission. Many are being asked with the right heart. But right motives are no guarantee that the right questions are being asked. We often ask questions with familiarity in mind. This is a good place to begin, but we […]
Right Questions Matter
Reality #1 Hello. I’m J. D., and I’m a pastor in your community. Really? Where is your church? Oh? Um. Our church has not started yet… Reality #2 Hello. I’m J. D., and this is my family. We’re with a new church in town. Really? Where is your church? […]