I launched Strike the Match on March 12, 2015 (“Who was St. Patrick with Ed Smither”). Season 4 concluded last week. I have enjoyed these four seasons of 64 episodes. Thank you for listening and sharing. You are in 139 countries, with the U. S., Japan, U. K., India, and […]
The North Carolina Baptist Convention is one of a handful of SBC groups (hopefully this number will grow) working hard to educate and mobilize others to reach unengaged and unreached peoples in North America. A few months ago I was contacted by some brothers from North Carolina about setting portions […]
Videos 4 U – Unreached Peoples, Least Reached Places
In case you missed it: The Reaching the Nations in North America Conference took place several days ago. HERE is Seth Brown’s article at Baptist Press. Thank you, Seth; and thank you BP for posting this. This was an important moment in the life of my denomination. The event was […]
ICYMI: Reaching the Nations Videos
The day has finally arrived. This is the last post before I sign-off of the blog for several weeks. I set as my goal to write five posts per week in 2015. I was able to accomplish this, except for two days when my host’s server was down. It was a fun 2015. Thank […]
Last Post
During this time of the year, many U. S. college students are home for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. For many pastors, this is the only time they will see some church members before summer. So, with this in mind, now is a great time to encourage your students […]
School’s Out, Recast Vision for Vocation
Everyone wants to go to the cool places in the United States. The New Yorks, Seattles, Miamis, and Los Angeleses. There are many unreached people groups living in such locations. And we must continue to go to these places. But the cost of living in such communities prohibits some church planting […]