Before we get too tied up in the game and the commercials–if you are not already–I wanted to take a moment and turn our attention toward the cities behind the teams. And behind the cities, we find the people. And among the people, a great battle is taking place. This […]
Time released a story this week addressing the upcoming (some say it has already happened) milestone of the birth of the 7 billionth person in the world today. They tied this demographic milepost to the continued growth of the mega cities of the world. If you are looking for a […]
Largest and Fastest Growing Cities
A very important report was released yesterday from Brookings titled “Immigrants in 2010 Metropolitan America: A Decade of Change,” by Jill H. Wilson and Audrey Singer. You can read the full report HERE. While U. S. immigration during the first decade of the 21st century was slower than that observed […]
Immigrant Changes in 100 Largest U. S. Metro Areas
I’ve been in Arizona for the past few days. The annual meeting of the Evangelical Missiological Society took place in Scottsdale. It was great to catch up with old friends and hear from some of today’s greatest missiological thinkers and missions leaders. I gave a presentation this year titled, “Examining […]
The Urgent Need for Urban Research in North America
Summer is here. And along with summer comes vacation. In light of my plans to experience rest and family and refrain from blogging, I thought I would leave you with a few of my previous posts from the past year-and-a-half. That way, whenever you are having problems sleeping over the […]
The Past in Review
The Dehoney Center for Urban Ministry Training at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has released the Summer 2011 journal on the theme “Islam and the City.” In addition to book reviews and a section on current research and dissertations, the following articles are found in this edition: “Understanding What Moves […]