Twenty years ago I published an article in the Journal of the American Society for Church Growth titled “The Art of Vision Casting for Church Multiplication.” Last month, I was reminded of this perennial challenge when speaking to a class at Regent University. One student inquired about how to lead […]
AI Allen and Annie continue this season as they discuss my March 3, 2023 writing, “8 Challenges to the Apostolic Imagination.” In this episode, I find myself in more agreement with them. Should I be concerned? Is this a fluke? Are they learning my views as they “train” on my […]
8 Challenges to the Apostolic Imagination
The stewardship of innovation includes an awareness of reality. Therefore leading for innovation requires an awareness of concerns among members of churches and organizations. Here is my list of nine beliefs that keep evangelicals from valuing innovation. 1) Innovation is unbiblical – The first disciples did not innovate. 2) We […]
9 Defeater Beliefs that Keep Evangelicals from Innovation
In the previous episode, I introduced a new aspect of innovation into this season with AI Alan and Annie. Be sure to check it out to understand why I am doing this special season. AI Alan and Annie return in this episode and discuss two of my blog posts (at […]
To the World through the Stomach
Here is a list of guidelines I have found helpful in leading churches to develop a culture of evangelism that is biblical, practical, and owned by the members. Pastors must take the lead and set the example in their teaching, modeling, story telling, expectations, and providing training and outreach opportunities. […]
9 Guidelines for Developing a Culture of Evangelism with Your ...
This year’s theme of the Evangelical Missiological Society is “Ecclesiology and Mission.” While I am writing this post for my EMS friends (or those on the cusp of joining), I want to encourage all readers to check out the society’s site and consider if this is a group for you […]