Lord willing, the Reaching the Nations in North America conference kicks off in Brentwood, Tennessee this Friday and Saturday. I do hope you will be there. Registration is closed. You may watch the event at the International Mission Board’s Facebook page. You may also follow along at #RTNSummit2016. I am […]

Reaching the Nations Conference

Evangelicals have been asking questions related to the ministry of apostles for several years. Some of these conversations have been unhealthy and unhelpful while others have been edifying and resulting in Kingdom advancement. Do apostles exist today? If so, who is an apostle? If so, are they different from the […]

Don Dent and the Ongoing Role of Apostles in Missions

Good research and healthy mission strategy should go hand-in-hand. How can we be wise stewards with Kingdom resources in view of 7 billion people in the world? Jim Haney is my guest in this episode. Jim is the Director of Global Research with the International Mission Board. He is also […]

Jim Haney on Good Research and Healthy Strategy

Jeff Sundell has been involved in Great Commission activities for many years. After serving in South Asia and seeing the multiplication of disciples, leaders, and churches, he returned to the United States in 2009, contextualizing what he learned. Now, many churches across the United States benefit from Jeff’s vision and […]

Jeff Sundell on Disciplemaking and Church Multiplication

If you are asking the question, “Can my church change?”, then you are asking the wrong question. And there is a great deal of energy spent in asking the wrong questions today. Stop asking this question. Your church will change. If you do nothing, your church will change. If you […]

Your Church Will Change

Experience is very important, but not ultimate. Wisdom comes with experience. In fact, I was just talking to some church planters today about learning from experience. Grace is found in experience. Yet, some people live by the conviction that the inexperienced have nothing to contribute. Their experience leads them to […]

Choking on Your Experience