Sometimes this collision happens. Today was my day. While reading about a Ph.D. student, I was shocked when the caption noted he was part of the “class of 2020.” 2020?! I immediately thought that was a long way off, then remembered we’re about to enter 2016. The next thought to […]

Collision of Biblical Texts

I have been a fan of EthneCity for several years. They recently hosted my webinar: “Apostolic Church Planting: Birthing New Churches from New Believers.” I want to encourage you to check it out and make use of the content. Much appreciation to Terry Sharp for his leadership and making this […]

Webinar: Apostolic Church Planting

A couple of years ago Marv Newell published Expect Great Things: Mission Quotes that Inform and Inspire (William Carey). I was very excited when this book was released. It is now one of the coolest books in my library. This work is filled with quotes from 2000 years of Church […]

Mission Quotes

In this last episode of Season 1 of Strike the Match, I share about my forthcoming book, Apostolic Church Planting: Birthing New Churches from New Believers (IVP). In the book of Acts, church planting begins with sharing the gospel. A church was not talked about until disciples were made; and […]

Apostolic Church Planting

Psalm 67 is a passage that comes to mind whenever I think about the mission of God. Here is a wonderful text noting how God blesses His people that the nations may praise Him. An interesting concept: blessed to be a blessing. I recently had the honor to preach to […]

Being a Blessing to the Nations

Someone asked me about the recent origin of the Syrian crisis. I mumbled a few words, nothing sufficient to answer the question. We are quick to forget. We watch the news this morning and by noon forget what we saw. Here is one reporter’s timeline on how the crisis started […]

Timeline on Syrian Crisis