The best missiologists are outstanding theologians and the best theologians are outstanding missiologists. One thing I fear for readers of this blog–including myself–is that we will attempt to be great missiologists and think we can leave that theological stuff up to the theologians. May it never be! We need to […]

My Study in Lamentations

Part of my book writing philosophy is that I try to discern where there is a need and write to fill that gap in the literature. While missions literature is a niche among Christian publications (a niche as well), some gaps will only be filled by independent publishing. These gaps […]

Discounted Books

God has not only made every person from Adam and Eve, but He has also determined when and where they will live (Acts 17:26). The reason? That they might find Him (Acts 17:27). 232 million people live outside of their countries of birth. While many of these people are followers […]

Reaching Unreached Peoples in North America

“If Jesus is the truth and the way, then I want to follow Him,” the Saudi student responded. “Do you understand what that could mean for you,” Gary asked. “If Jesus is the truth and the way, then I am willing to die for Him.” This conversation took place between […]

Preparing Others for the Death Penalty

The best way to learn how to share the Word is to share the word. There is a place for classroom space, but do not keep it there. When I was a doctoral student, few dissertations had been written on the place of application in preaching. I’m guessing there is […]

Make the Application

We think persecution and suffering for our witness are strange happenings. The New Testament is clear that such should not surprise us. 1 Peter 4:12-19 Our Lord does have a history of sending us to the wolves where religious leaders, political leaders, and even family members come against us and […]

Normalcy of Persecution